Republic of the Philippines
G.R. No. 102358 March 30, 1993
P.M. Castillo for petitioners.
Fides C. Cordero-Tan and Roberto M.J. Lara for private respondents.
We disagree. According to POEA itself, in its original Order of 7 May 1990 —
Respondents assert that FILMAN, as the deploying agency of petitioners, was legally entitled to charge P10,000 for both petitioners, hence, its acceptance of a check for the same amount was not an overcharge. Here, public respondents appear confused. Their orders and resolutions prove otherwise.
It is undisputed that the Fernandez spouses demanded and received the check for P10,000.00, but the subject orders and resolutions of public respondents did not particularly indicate whether the check was received by the Fernandezes in their capacity as officers of CPSI or of FILMAN. Nevertheless, since the check was delivered to the Fernandezes in the office of CPSI and in the absence of proof that at that time the latter represented themselves as officers of FILMAN, there is no conclusion other than that the Fernandezes indeed acted as officers of CPSI. Moreover, the same amount represented by the check was the object of CPSI's prayer for recovery of placement fees in its answer with counterclaim and position paper filed before respondent POEA (Annexes "C" and "D", Petition; Rollo, pp. 75-79 and 115-117). If, as alleged, the Fernandezes did receive the check as officers of FILMAN, then CPSI and the Fernandez couple (and the other respondents as well) have to do a lot of explaining as to why CPSI prayed for an award of placement fees.
Significantly, the original order of POEA deducting from the amount to be reimbursed the sum of P3,000.00 as appropriate placement fees of both petitioners is a clear manifestation that a private recruitment entity (CPSI) and not a private employment agency (FILMAN) was entitled to those fees.
As regards the remaining issue on procedure, the same is deemed waived as it is brought to Us only for the first time in this motion for reconsideration.
WHEREFORE, finding no substantial argument to warrant modification of Our Decision of 19 November 1992, much less a reversal, and for lack of merit, We Resolve to DENY WITH FINALITY the motions for reconsideration respectively filed by public and private respondents.
Cruz, Griño-Aquino and Quiason, JJ., concur.
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